Journaling – what it is and how to start your personal diary
Have you ever wondered what Journaling is? Do you have doubts about whether journaling could help you improve your emotions , if you could clarify your ideas using the journaling technique or if journaling has any benefits for anxiety ? In this article we are going to talk about what journaling is, how journaling helps you and how you can start using journaling to notice its benefits.
What is journaling?
Journaling is a technique for recording thoughts, experiences, reflections and habits in a notebook, agenda or computer. Also known as formerly “writing a diary” . This practice was done in privacy and was a habit that was usually done every night. Journaling does not pursue this consistency, but you can simply write down your thoughts whenever you see fit and at any time of the day. It is a very useful way to empty your thoughts in a specific place. This practice has been used for centuries to improve mental and emotional health, and in recent years it has regained popularity thanks to social media and the "self-care" trend.
In addition, journaling has many benefits for mental and emotional health and anxiety. Writing about our thoughts and feelings can help us process them more effectively and release tension. Putting all your thoughts on paper helps to organize them and understand them better. With all of the above, journaling can help us become more aware of our patterns of thinking and behavior , allowing us to make more conscious decisions and improve our lives.
There are many types of journaling, such as the gratitude journal, the goal journal, the process journal, etc. However, one of the most popular today is the bullet journal . This planning and note-taking system is based on the use of symbols or "bullets" to indicate the status of tasks and events. If you want to know what the Bullet Journal is in detail, don't miss our article.

How to start journaling? - The 6 steps to get started in this method
There are different ways to journal or journal your thoughts, here are six steps to get started quickly and know what to write in your journaling.
- Get a notebook or notebook and a nice pen that you can write in every day. You can also simply open a computer Word sheet on your computer or a notepad, although we recommend writing it by hand due to the many benefits that writing on paper provides.
- Find a time of day when you feel relaxed and have time to write. For example, you can write right before you go to sleep or right after you wake up.
- Write every day , even if it's just one or two lines. Don't worry about writing too much or writing perfectly, the goal is simply to record your thoughts and feelings.
- Feel free to write about anything you want, from your goals and desires to your fears and worries.
- Try to be honest with yourself when writing in your journal. Don't be afraid to write things that make you feel uncomfortable. Think that no one else has to see what you write down and writing sincerely will help you free yourself.
- Review your journal regularly to see how your perspective has changed and how you have developed over time.
Remember, the importance of journaling is that it is a way to reflect on our lives, our thoughts and our feelings. There's no right or wrong way to do it, just write what comes to mind.

Choose your Notebook or Notebook.
Although it is true that you do not need a specific notebook for journaling, it is always better to write in a notebook in which you feel comfortable and that you like. This will motivate you to grab that notebook to write. If you have a nice notebook, if you want to spend time with it, if you like its paper and if it makes you enjoy that moment, it will be easier for you to remember to go write in it every day.
SweetBook: The best notebook for journaling
We recommend SweetBook for journaling . With thick and resistant paper, there will be no thought that will resist. Take a look at our notebooks by clicking the following button.
Choose a good pen that you feel comfortable with.
Decoration for Journaling
Not only can you write in journaling, you can also express your feelings and thoughts through art and drawing. It has been proven that drawing and creating helps counteract the effects of anxiety and stress in daily life.
If what you like is to stick stickers to decorate your journaling pages and see them prettier, more appetizing and not be able to stop looking at them, check out our downloadable decoration templates .
Another very simple way to decorate your journaling pages is by using washi tape , you know, the vegetable paper tape that comes printed with different designs. As easy as taking a piece of tape and sticking it on your notebook to decorate it.
If you want your titles to look nice, neat and have a typewriter look, then you need to get these letter stamps :
Journaling Styles
There are several styles of journaling that you can try to find the one that best suits your personal needs and preferences. Some examples include:
- Gratitude journal: This style focuses on writing about the things you are grateful for. You can write about a specific time of day or general things that make you feel lucky. Writing about what you are grateful for puts you in a state of gratitude and positivity, makes you feel lucky and value what you have in your life.
- Goal Journal: This style focuses on writing about your goals and plans to achieve them. You can write about your short-term and long-term goals, as well as the steps you are taking to achieve them. Writing about your goals helps you be more aware of the actions you are taking to achieve what you set out to do, it helps you be more disciplined and focus on what you really need to do to get to where you want to be.
- Process diary: This style focuses on writing about the process of achieving something, whether it is a personal or professional project, it also focuses on writing about the difficulties and learnings that are obtained. Writing about a process in a project makes you more aware of the steps you are taking, the mistakes you make to learn from them and the actions you take to achieve results so that you can repeat them in the future or avoid them so that Don't make the same mistakes again.
- Travel journal: This style focuses on writing about your travels, both physical and internal. You can write about the places you visited, the people you met, and the things you learned. This style allows you to remember the places you have gone, but not only the places but the experiences, the conversations you had, the good and not so good times you had. It basically transports you back to that trip, repeating it in your memory and reliving it.
- Reflective journaling: This style focuses on writing about your thoughts and feelings, and how they change over time. You can write about anything that worries you or makes you feel happy, and reflect on how these feelings have evolved over time.
- Personal Growth Journal: This style focuses on writing about your personal growth goals and objectives, as well as the actions and reflections that helped you achieve them.
- The 5 Minute Journal: It is a journaling method that focuses on writing for just 5 minutes a day. The idea is that writing for a short period of time each day is easier to incorporate into your daily routine than writing for an hour or more. Starting with this method is very useful because you incorporate the habit into your daily life and, once incorporated, it is easier to adapt to writing every day. It also happens that, once you have started writing, you spend more than 5 minutes writing.
- Five-year diary: it is a journaling technique in which you write over time, specifically 5 years. Every day you write a phrase that summarizes your day and you see year after year how your life evolves and changes.
- Free writing: As the title itself says, we simply write our thoughts as they come to us, without order or objective, we simply flow with the paper and try to be as honest with ourselves as possible.
Remember, there is no right or wrong way to journal, and you can experiment with different styles to find the one that best suits you and your needs.

Differences between “Bullet Journal” and “Journaling”
Journaling and Bullet Journaling are two different techniques, although both are based on the use of notebooks or notebooks .
Journaling refers to writing about your thoughts and feelings in a journal or notebook. You can write about anything you want, from your goals and desires to your fears and worries. The goal is to record your thoughts and feelings freely and spontaneously.
On the other hand, Bullet Journaling is an organization and planning method that uses a notebook and a system of symbols to record your tasks, events, and notes.
In short, journaling focuses on writing about your thoughts and feelings, while Bullet Journaling focuses on organizing and planning tasks and events. However, it is possible to combine both techniques , using a Bullet Journal as a tool to organize your thoughts and feelings, and reflect on your personal goals and objectives.
In the year 2024, journaling is a trend and has become fashionable and is clearly a trend. This helps manage the stress and anxiety of the busy daily lives we lead.
Journaling FAQs
What is the journaling method?
Journaling is a practice of regularly writing down your thoughts, emotions and experiences.
How do you do journaling?
It is done by writing down personal reflections, daily events or ideas in a notebook or digitally.
What is the objective of journaling?
Its objective is self-exploration, mental organization and personal development.
What can I write in my journal?
You can write about your feelings, goals, gratitudes, learnings or challenges.
What is journaling examples?
Examples: gratitude lists, personal goals, daily reflections.
What to write down in a diary?
Write down thoughts, daily experiences, dreams, and reflections.
What types of Journal are there?
Types: bullet journal, emotional journal, gratitude journal, productivity journal.
How to start writing in a journal?
Start by writing about your day, your feelings or goals.
What are the benefits of the journaling technique?
Benefits: Improves self-awareness, reduces stress, organizes thoughts, encourages creativity.
Se puede escribir en distintos momentos del día? Ejemplo: escribir en la mañana porque sentí inspiración y luego hacerlo en la tarde porque sentí bla necesidad de desahogarme?
Hola. Leyendo éste artículo en ENERO de 2024 porque me llama mucho la atención esta práctica y su contenido ha sido muy útil. ¡Gracias!
Livia Jiménez vzla
Buenas noches. Me encanto el articulo.me gustaría información para que lo aplique un adolescente de 14 años que es mi nieto